In a world full of people, we make connections every day: we chat, we collaborate, we care for each other….

Humans are relationship creatures. Without other people, we become lonely and unhappy. We are inherently social beings.

However, there is one relationship that we too often forget : the relationship with ourselves. The relationship with you-self. Literally: your Self.

  • How often do you have a conversation with your Self?
  • How often do you work on and with your Self?
  • How often do you care for your Self?

Less often than we do for others. Strange, isn’t it?

We were taught from childhood that we should be especially considerate of others: of our family, our friends, the family, the community, our colleagues …

However noble these lessons learned are, they are worth nothing if we do not learn to first establish a relationship with ourselves.

Lack of a relationship with your Self has consequences

This lack of a relationship with your Self, as the years progress, starts to break down acid.

  • You feel you are missing something in your life.
  • You feel that there is some kind of pull in yourself that you cannot explain.
  • There is restlessness, which often expresses itself physically. For example, in muscle tension, pain in neck and shoulders, restless breathing, stress….
  • You wonder what the meaning of life is.
  • You experience mental turmoil: your head grumbles and mulls, but no answers are forthcoming

You get tired (and you often don’t know why), physical complaints follow one another, you start to wonder why you actually do what you do every day. And eventually you no longer see the point of your life. Then you find yourself in what is often called: the Dark Night of the Soul. The whole range of modern diseases very often have a basis in a lack of attention to that inner voice that wants to make something clear to you. When that voice is not heard, it starts shouting louder. However, that inner voice represents your life force, your uniqueness, your values and talents. By ignoring it again and again, you ignore yourself. You ignore your own power and energy.

You “burn out” your own energy. Do you recognise the word “burnout”?

Listening to that inner voice brings peace, relaxation and energy.

It’s as simple as that…

Listening to that inner voice… what does that mean? How do you do it? And what does it bring you? Listening to the inner voice is done by regulated all the other voices.

All those voices outside you. And there are a lot of them.

  • The voice of tradition, of what you have been taught.
  • The voice of religious leaders.
  • The voice of your parents.
  • The voice of your spouse.
  • The voice of your employer.
  • The voice of the community you live in.
  • The voice of society.

All these voices tell you how to live. What rules you should follow. What you can and cannot do. What you may and may not utter. They tell you which is the best way to live your life. What studies you should do and what job you should take. And much more ….With all those voices outside you taking up all the space, that inner voice inside you has become very quiet and small. It is another small voice that is all too often silenced. Especially when that inner voice wants to tell you that you may do something different from what you are told. SSSST … shut up.

A captivating encounter

Listening to your own voice takes time and space. Literally : time for yourself. A space for yourself. In a busy society like Senegal’s, this is not always easy. But not impossible. It is a choice. Your choice. A walk on the beach can be hugely healing. You with yourself and the sea… Or a moment in your room, with your favourite music with you. Or on the roof of your house, high above the hustle and bustle of the day.

Find a place that suits you. Where you can breathe quietly. Where you are away from others. Energetically away from others: momentarily not in relationship, momentarily not listening to all those voices around you. Just listening to the voice inside yourself.

She has so much to tell you…

And she gets happy from the attention she finally gets. She gradually gives you back your own energy so that you will feel more relaxed and stress gradually disappears.

By giving yourself that time and space every day, you get to know your-Self.

A fascinating encounter …

Picture of Dominique BELLENS

Dominique BELLENS

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