The human mind is a powerful tool, capable of shaping our reality in ways we don’t always understand. Science has revealed a fascinating phenomenon: our thoughts can have a tangible impact on our mental and physical health.

How can thoughts make us happy?

You’ve probably already heard of neuroplasticity. This is the brain’s ability to remodel itself in response to experience, learning and even our thoughts. When we think something repeatedly, these thoughts activate and strengthen specific neural networks. This repeated stimulation between two neurons will make the synapses more efficient, which can be seen as a memory of the event or behavior.

For example, if you get into the habit of focusing on the positive aspects of your life, the brain will develop and strengthen the connections linked to optimism, and it will then be easier for you to feel positive emotions. Conversely, negative or anxious thoughts will strengthen the neural pathways associated with stress or depression. Every time we have a negative thought, we reinforce that neural pathway, making it easier to take the next time.

That’s why practices like meditation and visualization aim to change these thought patterns to reshape the brain towards more positive responses. A regular practice of gratitude increases activity in brain regions associated with satisfaction.

So, by consciously choosing our thoughts, we can redefine our perception and strengthen our well-being.

Can thoughts affect our health?

The placebo effect is a fascinating illustration of how our beliefs can influence our health. Studies have shown that even when treatments administered are inert, the mere belief in their efficacy can induce significant improvements in patients’ health.

For example, patients given a placebo for pain reported a significant reduction in symptoms, sometimes comparable to that achieved with active analgesics. This is due to the brain’s release of endorphins, which help to alleviate pain.

In clinical trials, Parkinson’s patients showed an improvement in motor symptoms such as rigidity and tremors after receiving a placebo. This was associated with an increase in dopamine production in specific brain regions.

So belief in a treatment can activate physiological mechanisms that benefit our bodies.

Ruminations or recurrent negative thoughts can also have a significant impact on our health. They maintain a state of stress and therefore high cortisol levels, which can lead to high blood pressure, palpitations and an increased risk of cardiovascular disorders. Studies also suggest that constant rumination is associated with lowered immune defenses, which can exacerbate chronic illnesses or promote their onset.

In addition, recurrent negative thoughts can encourage health-damaging behaviors such as smoking, unbalanced eating and taking illicit substances.

Our thoughts therefore have considerable power over our health. Positive beliefs can activate healing or relieving mechanisms, while rumination can contribute to the aggravation or onset of disease.

Some tips:

  • Take a few minutes each day to meditate or simply be fully present in the moment
  • When a negative thought arises, try to rephrase it in a more positive or neutral way
  • Use positive affirmations and repeat them regularly
  • Positive thoughts are contagious. Surround yourself with optimistic people, read inspiring books, listen to motivating podcasts.

Remember, the brain is malleable. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, every positive thought you cultivate will contribute to your overall well-being

Picture of Léna AKA

Léna AKA

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