Understanding behavioural dynamics.

In partnership with monkey tie, we use the most powerful tool for dynamic analysis of behavioural skills from the Institute of Neurocognitivism in Paris.

This questionnaire explores the different facets of an individual's behavioural dynamics.

Detect the soft skill

Neuroscientists have studied the behaviour of groups of people from schools, hospitals, and later companies. The various methods tested revealed both the toxicity of management exercised with the wrong levers and the difficulty of being creative and innovative under stress. 

The underlying objective of this questionnaire is to offer an individual a work/personal development environment in line with their proven intrinsic potential.

The traits revealed in the approach enable the future manager to manage his team as effectively as possible, employee to be aligned with his or her future profession, and for the team to interact more effectively.  

The traits revealed in the approach enable the future manager to manage his or her team as accurately as possible, the employee to be aligned with his or her future job, and the team to interact effectively and as closely as possible with the objectives to be achieved, to be as close as possible to the expectations of a job. Armed with their irritants, their deep-rooted motivators, and their list of “soft skills”, individuals can discover the right match between their inner selves and what will be expected of them in the chosen field. These applications are just as suited to service professions as they are to those in industry or commerce.

4 Analytical dynamics


This is what the person does spontaneously and what gives them energy. 


These are the attitudes and behaviours that irritate a person and that they avoid. 


What a person does with the sole aim of obtaining a result or avoiding failure, and which may ultimately demotivate or even exhaust them. 


This is the capacity to adapt to complexity, change and uncertainty, as well as the capacity for creativity and resilience.


analysed dynamics
algorithm equations
+ 0 %
years of R&D by INP*
*Institut of Neurocognitivism Paris

Why do we use the ANC questionnaire for

behavioural dynamics?

This questionnaire explores the different facets of an individual’s behavioural dynamics.

Behavioural dynamics are what enable us to feel, think and act in the face of external situations, whether they are simple and familiar or complex and uncontrolled. 

By assessing behavioural dynamics rather than personality, the behavioural dynamics questionnaire identifies potential, but also the risks of demotivation or over-investment. It provides an indication of how an individual approaches a situation and the extent to which he or she can adapt and act in a calm and sustainable manner.